Clinical Excellence for Pharmacy Management

How CPS technology drives cutting-edge clinical excellence

Our team uses an advanced algorithm to review your drug expenditures and identify top conversion opportunities, which become active clinical initiatives for your pharmacy leaders to work toward.

Our clinical dashboards offer insights into your spending efficacy with breakdowns of realized versus projected savings, and the status of your ongoing initiatives. With us, you’ll always know where you stand and what clinical improvements to make next.


CPS Optimizer - Delivering Actionable Information

Opportunity Queue

  • See your highest projected saving utilizing historical purchase records for selected sites
  • Identify the projected financial impact of activating each initiative
  • Prioritizes your facilities' efforts to achieve accelerated clinical and financial results

Initiative Detail

  • Review each initiative's detailed description, spend projection, purchasing account information, and related resources for additional support
  • Assign a specific team member and adjust settings according to user-defined criteria
  • Customize target savings

Clinical Dashboard

  • Manage and track the status of active initiatives with drill-through summary dashboards and detailed reports
  • Review quarterly and overall expenditures, cumulative realized savings, and top missed opportunities 
  • Review target versus actual progress on operational and financial initiatives across all your facilities

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Ready to reach new levels of pharmacy performance?

CPS supports your hospital pharmacy management needs with expertise and over five decades of proven success. Let's talk about how CPS can help your organization achieve your goals.