Notice of Data Security Incident at CPS: Click here to learn more.
Using Pre-built, Easy-to-Use, Pharmacy-Optimized Dashboards: Our pre-built analytical templates move you from data to analytical dashboard in minutes, empowering you to make decisions and take action quickly.
Building Dynamic Reports in Seconds: TherigySTM’s flexible interface enables you to give your pharmacy the opportunity to build reports on your own. Drag and drop data points make it easy to find the answers you need.
Tell a Story with Your Data: Our business intelligence tool delivers a summary of data that you can drill into each report to understand operations through visualize data-rich and drillable content are right at your fingertips.
TherigySTM is an evolutionary improvement to our pharmacy. It functions as a dashboard to monitor pharmacy and patient performance and also serves as a tool to neatly organize, present, and analyze data. This allows me to make meaningful decisions that can immediately have a positive impact on our patients’ lives."
TherigySTM's reporting tool is powerful and capable. We’re very pleased."